Erfan Imani

I'm Erfan – a full-stack Magento developer and consultant living in Perth, Australia. I'm the organiser of Western Australia's Magento meetup. At the moment I'm helping to take Pacvac, a leading manufacturer of backpack vacuums, into the digital age with a direct to consumer approach.

Get in touch with me here.

Magento Certified Frontend Developer Magento Certified Developer Magento 2 Associate Developer Magento 2 Professional Developer Magento 2 Solution Specialist

For Magento 1, check out my post here: Four ways to edit Magento's Javascript. A while ago I wrote a reasonably popular article that simply listed out the different ways you can modify Magento's Javascript. Here we go again, but for Magento 2. Theme overwrite Of course, the easiest way to modify Javascript…...
Up until a short while ago I was still using local.xml for modifications to a project-specific theme, even though 1.9 introduced the theme.xml file. The scenario I encountered which forced me to ditch local.xml is pretty interesting and made me understand the need for the theme.xml layout updates. Basically,…...
These are the slides I used for the MagentoWA talk about Sass, Compass, Bundler and their integration with Magento themes to manage styling for a large site. Summary Magento Themes and Sass/Compass is a powerful combination. You can use Compass's add_import_path directive to include partials from your…...
The topic of using a standard theme for future Magento clients has come up multiple times at our web agency. This theme would contain things that should prevent us from reinventing the wheel every time we start a new project. The theme would make Magento responsive. It would use SASS + Compass with modules…...