Erfan Imani
I'm Erfan – a full-stack Magento developer and consultant living in Perth, Australia. I'm the organiser of Western Australia's Magento meetup. At the moment I'm helping to take Pacvac, a leading manufacturer of backpack vacuums, into the digital age with a direct to consumer approach.
Get in touch with me here.
This post is likely gonna get less relevant when Magento 2 comes out, but I decided to put it out there any way. In my limited time working with Magento I’ve come across a couple scenario’s I wanted to touch on. Hope it’s helpful for anyone.
Let say a merchant wants a new Magento online store. Now, there…...
Up until a short while ago I was still using local.xml for modifications to a project-specific theme, even though 1.9 introduced the theme.xml file. The scenario I encountered which forced me to ditch local.xml is pretty interesting and made me understand the need for the theme.xml layout updates.
I’m sure you’ve saved something in Magento’s admin area and seen that a cache got invalidated - whether it was modifying a Mailchimp setting, or refreshed some indexes. Maybe you created a cached block and you want it to clear/refresh its cache after a specific setting gets altered. It’s good to know…...
These are the slides I used for the MagentoWA talk about Sass, Compass, Bundler and their integration with Magento themes to manage styling for a large site.
Magento Themes and Sass/Compass is a powerful combination. You can use Compass's add_import_path directive to include partials from your…...